Asymmetrical fault Fault body 断层不等宽度(或不等高度)
blind-fault-type SIP多媒体核心控制平台(SMCCP)
Bridge-Type Fault Current Limiter 桥式故障限流器
discrimination of the fault type 故障类型识别
earthquake fault type 地震断层类型
Fault metamorphism 断裂变质
Fault Type 故障类型; 断层类型
fault type classification 故障分类
Fault Type Identification 故障类型识别
Fault Type Recognition 故障识别; 故障类型识别; 电网故障类型识别
fault type selection element 选相元件
Force Feedback Type Fault Analysis 故障分析
Lifted fault type 隆起断裂型
mine’s fault-type earthquake 断层型矿震
Resonant-Type Fault Current Limiter 谐振型限流器
series resonant type fault current limiter 串联谐振型故障电流限制器
Study on Bridge-Type Fault Current Limiter 桥式故障限流器的研究
wrench fault type sensu stricto 狭义的平移走滑型
high pressure type metamorphism 高压变质酌